Aquatic Ecology & Evolution

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Reflections on paper past

Hari Sridhar, a theoretical ecologist at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, started in early 2016 to interview authors of well-known papers in ecology and evolution, to find out about: 1. the making of the paper 2. the impact the paper had on the author’s career and research and 3. the author’s current stand on what was said in the paper. The idea is to construct, what one might call, ‘shadow papers’, which capture the past and future of the original published articles. This is a great blog series well worth reading. Hari interviewed by email or skype many famous researchers such as John Krebs, John Endler, Trevor Price, Anders Pape Moller, the Grants, Malte Anderssen, David Reznick and many more.

Among them is also Ole Seehausen, read the interview here.